The Wabash Trace Spring Kick-Off will be held at Tobey Jack’s in Mineola on Saturday, April 20th. “Social Hour” begins at 6 PM, with Dinner at 7 and the Live Auction at 8. Among the auction items this year are the Fat Tire Cruiser (donated by Angie Jamison) and a Special Edition Taco/Margarita Themed Penny …
Tag Archive: wabash trace
2nd Annual RAGBREW Results…
Brian Johnson, Kim Gee, John McGargill, Becca Castle, Solon Olson, Kevin Currie, Stephanie Aistrope, Darren Bartley, & Jeff Slater Our 2nd Annual RAGBREW Homebrew Contest & Bicycle Ride was a success! We had 2 more beers than last year, and a new set of winners! Last year, Terry Castle swept the contest, winning 3 of …
Angie Jamison winner of Fat Tire Bike!
Congrats to Angie Jamison for winning this year’s Fat Tire Cruiser! The summer-long earning of tickets paid off! Last year’s winner Jeff Slater played music and emcee’d for the drawing on Tuesday, September 18th, with the winning ticket being drawn by Lily Mather. Angie and her son Jake decided to graciously donate the bicycle back …
Wabash Trace Nature Trail Marathon
September 15th, 2012 will mark the Inaugural Wabash Trace Nature Trail Marathon, 1/2 Marathon, and Relay Marathon. The Marathon & Relay will begin in Malvern and the 1/2 will begin in Imogene. Both will finish through Shenandoah’s beautiful downtown on Sheridan Avenue. For more information and to register, please visit
Sweet Corn Ride & Live Local Music!
This Tuesday, July 17th is George McGargill’s Annual Sweet Corn feed on the Trace! We will follow that up with live music by local favorites Jeff Slater, Kyle Cullin, Jamie Hunt, and George McGargill! This is also the last Tuesday before RAGBRAI begins, so come discuss your plans or wish the other riders luck!
RAGBREW – Bicycle Ride & Homebrew Contest – Sunday, October 9th
Calling all Home-Brewers, Beer Lovers, and Bicyclists! Sunday, October 9th will be the 1st Annual RAGBREW – A HomeBrew Contest & Bicycle Ride right in our back yard! THE CONTEST will be held from 2 to 5 PM at the Izaak Walton right off the Wabash Trace (or about 5 miles East of Shenandoah on …
Wabash Meteor Ride Saturday, August 13th & 14th
This Saturday is the 10th Annual Wabash Meteor Ride & Campout. The ride begins at the Wabash Trace Trailhead in Council Bluffs and this year will end up at Sportsman’s Park in Shenandoah (44 miles). Camping and showers at the pool are available there, or individuals can make their own hotel reservations if they would …
Another Great Wabash Warm-Up!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Wabash Warm-Up this year, either by sponsoring a bridge, sharing your musical talents, organizing the ribbon-cutting, or riding with us! I feel that it was a great success. This, our 5th year, was our largest turnout since we began the ride in 2007. We were able to raise …
Taco Tuesday Bicycling Kick-Off: MAY 31st!
It looks like Spring may Finally be here! And what better to do on a beautiful Tuesday evening than ride your bicycle to Imogene!?! In addition to our Tuesday Taco Menu, $2.50 Landshark Bottles, $3 Lime Margaritas, and $2 Fat Tire Pints, we have an exciting announcement to make! We will have some other undetermined …